Deposit Summary

Go to Reports and select Deposits Summary.

The Deposits Summary report summarizes your merchant’s net position of all deposits posted to their depository account on a given day. The default date filter on the report is to display the last ACH post date. Click on the filter to change the date. Navigate from the summary report by selecting a row or the magnifying glass icon to view the Deposit Lookup for all or a specific merchant.

The Deposits Summary report displays the following fields.

We support a reporting hierarchy for you and your merchants. The hierarchy node is a number assigned to the application and appears in the Application Overview of the Application Detail.
We support a reporting hierarchy for you and your merchants. The hierarchy node name is the name assigned to the application and appears in the Application Overview of the Application Detail.
# Debits
The total number of debits.
$ Debits
The total amount of debits.
# Refunds
The total number of refunds.
$ Refunds
The total amount of refunds.
# Total
The total count of debits and refunds.
$ Total Net
The difference between debits and refunds.